Volunteers Welcome

The work team currently meets on Thursdays at 9.30 am at the green container on The Coach Road just above the Quarry Street entrance.  Alternatively,  join the Coach Road at the gates near the traffic lights on High Street next to the Methodist Church.
The images below show the “before” and the “after” when the volunteers have done their work.

If you are interested in helping to maintain Gorse Hall, you can contact the Friends of Gorse Hall by using the “Contact Us” link on the website’s main menu or by emailing: admin@gorse-hall.co.uk.

The photographs can be opened up by clicking on them and closed by clicking the X at the top RHS of the screen.
Some of them have captions displayed underneath.

Task 1
Tidying up the Coach Road – Autumn 2013

Task 2
Repairing the footpath at Vaudry Street – Autumn 2013

Task 3
Restoring the Fernary – Autumn 2013